10 Tips To Prepare For Your Buffalo Winter Move


Though most Midwesterners don’t like the winter, we know it is going to happen. We have Fall routines of battening down the hatches, winterizing water lines and swapping out the lawnmower for the snowblower. But if you are moving to or from Buffalo in the coming winter months, you will want to share some of your efforts on being prepared towards your winter move. Long before your local movers or cross-country movers arriving on your home, you need to be ready for that the big day. Get a warm cup of hot chocolate and let’s put together a checklist of ways to ensure you are ready for a move day that even a blizzard won’t mess up!

Dress in Layers 

When we’re loading and unloading, your doors will need to be open for most of the day. Expect it to get quite cold inside! Make sure to wear layers so you can remain warm and toasty!

Bonus tip: Set aside an extra space heater or blanket in an interior room, perhaps a bedroom, and be prepared to spend most of your day inside while the movers are working.

Truck Access

If your scheduled move is just after a big snow, you should look around your neighborhood for large snowdrifts or snow piles. If your neighborhood is plowed by a professional, a lot of areas, such as cul-de-sacs, could have massive piles of snow in the street. This could impact how local or cross-country movers can access your house. Be sure to take note of any major piles of snow that weren’t there when you performed your in-home or virtual estimate, and let your local mover or cross-country mover know right away so you can avoid any problems.

Have the Driveway and All Walkways Cleared and Salted 

The movers will go back and forth all day to the parked moving truck. Making sure they have a safe, clean walkway is vital to protect their safety, as well as the safety of your things.


You should be sure to pay attention to the extended forecast, notably for temperature forecasts. If a cold front is imminent, you might want to delay having certain utilities turned off, such as gas or water . Conversely, make sure those utilities are active at your new home before the temps drop too low and cause damage. Nobody wants to move to their new home with pipes bursting!

Floor Protection 

The movers will protect your home, placing items like reused cardboard over wood and rug runners to keep carpet safe. But, you may want to put down some some small rugs or extra carboard near your exterior doors, to cut back on the amount of salty slush entering your home. Even a flattened box in your basement can become a nice buffer for wiping off shoes before walking inside!

Pack Strategically 

There are some items you will choose to pack separately, or even pack last. Belongings like winter outerwear and a snow shovel could be things you will like to keep handy. This way you’ll always be prepared for the cold weather!

Plan for Darkness

While much of your packing happens indoors, do not forget about the yard, shed, attic, and garage! Because winter has darker, shorter days, be sure to plan ahead and pack those exterior areas hours of the day that you have hours of daylight left.

Additionally, local movers have a special winter challenge. For a lot of customers, your local move occurs over the course of a single day; i.e. your local movers load, drive and deliver all on the same day. But with reduced daytime hours, some moves simply can’t be finished the same day this time of the year. If your local mover is recommending you have to split your move over multiple days, this is most likely the cause. It’s dangerous for local movers to haul large belongings when it’s dark, so it is recommended to move your items over the course of two shorter days versus one long day.

Take Extra Care Packing Breakables

A lot of fragile belongings, such as wine or snow globes, can be sensitive to large temperature fluctuations. Make sure to wrap fragile belongings carefully, add additional protection such as newsprint, washcloths, towels or bubble wrap.

Keep Extra Towels Handy 

Rugs will be one of the final things the movers will load up. This means once your local movers or cross-country movers pull away, anybody walking into your house won’t have anywhere to wipe their feet. Put down old towels for people to wipe their feet, cutting down the snow, slush and salt from making its way into your home!

Expect the Unexpected

After your cross-country movers have the hit the road to your new house, then it is your turn now. But do not get surprised on your journey to your new place. If you’re looking at a long drive ahead of you this winter, you will want to be sure you have your emergency kit and supplies ready. We’ve seen the horror stories about highways being shut down for hours, leaving hundreds of drivers stranded. Do not let this be you! Here are the necessary items for your automotive safety kit:

  • Bottles of water 
  • Flashlight 
  • Towels 
  • Blankets 
  • Short-handed snow shovel (one that fits nicely in your trunk, making it handy if you get stuck!) 
  • High protein snacks 
  • Empty, clean bottle or bowl with a lid (for, bathroom emergencies, especially if you have small kids) 
  • Baby wipes 

What’s the recommended way to prepare for your upcoming winter move? Partnering with Corrigan! We’ll hold your hand through each step of the process, making for an easy, hassle-free experience from start to finish. Don’t hire a mover that will leave you stranded in the cold. Contact Corrigan today!

Ready to Move? 

Are you ready to schedule your free, no obligation, in-home or virtual estimate? We can’t wait to help! Either contact us today, or fill out the form to receive your quote.

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